Why men need plants in their home

The useful and the attractive
Estimated reading time: 1 minute

A plant makes your home more lively and provides colour, gives you extra oxygen when you’re exhausted, reduces stress, knows its place when someone comes round, and doesn’t disturb you when you're gaming. A plant understands you and waits patiently until you get home. It rustles its leaves and grows contentedly if you look after it. 

The other side of a plant

A plant is not just for you. By having a plant you can show that you are able to keep something alive, so your mother can rest assured that things will be okay. This gentle nurturing also sets many a female heart aflutter. Your most important job is to get beautiful ladies to share the pleasure of your green oasis love nest.

There are plenty of reasons for the caring type to have a plant in his home. You probably won’t be able to stop at one …