Save Christmas (part 2)

A merry Xmas memory box!
Estimated reading time: 1 minute

At Christmas time we come together. Family, friends and loved ones sit around one big table together. We laugh, enjoy, eat and drink. The brussels sprouts are passed round and the champagne flows lavishly. These are moments you will never want forget - and you don’t have to! Create your own merry Xmas memory box and save the memories of a fantastic gathering. 

Merry memory x-mas box

The red bauble that your young nephew knocked off the tree, the dice with which you lost a hyper-competitive game of Monopoly, a sprig from the Christmas wreath and a lovely Polaroid of the Christmas tree. These are all the small details that made it a big event. See how great they look in the Xmas memory box. Bring the box out again next year and set it out as a Christmas decoration. Then add new special memories after the festive season next year. We can’t wait! 

Happy Holidays!